
Check out the types of workshops Gail Grossman offers below. To inquire about dates and pricing, please click the button below to reach out.

Learn More About Our Workshops

Easy Peasy: Restore Your Self

Restorative Yoga is a practice of being, and less about doing. In this workshop you will explore postures that restore your body, mind and soul. The fourth limb of yoga is pranayama. Mastering the breath is as important as mastery of postures. Asana practice confers a flexible body, calm nerves and mental steadiness. Yoga becomes the best antidote for being burnt, being out-of-sync with your own life rhythm or fluctuating back and forth between being anxious or depressed.

Restorative Yoga teaches techniques that are simple, safe and effective. This class will cover a sequence of poses that will relax and renew. Supine breath awareness, as well as pranayama basics will be covered. If you want to leave with peace of mind, come to this class.

Mindful Metabolism: Restorative Yoga for Digestion

The better you digest, the more prana you get from your food; however, unlike popular belief, doing an active practice isn’t the only way to metabolize nutrients and burn calories.  In this  soothing workshop on restorative yoga, supported yoga poses will help calm the mind, open the heart and relieve stress. You will be able to experience the true concept of rest and digest.

Please dress in layers -- warm pants, tank top, a sweatshirt, and you may wish to bring cozy socks and a shawl. Please also bring an eye pillow or fluffy washcloth to cover your eyes.

The Hardest Yoga Ever: The Restorative Practice

The first time you lay on bolsters and blankets, and really truly allow yourself to be, may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in yoga. As much as yoga is an active practice, Restorative Yoga offers us the flip side. It offers us a chance to let go, and to feel supported on the journey. Supported yoga poses will help calm the mind, open the heart and relieve stress.

The Workshop will leave you feeling like you've spent the afternoon on a sunny island beach. Please dress in layers -- warm pants, tank top, a sweatshirt, and you may wish to bring cozy socks and a shawl. Please also bring an eye pillow or fluffy washcloth to cover your eyes.

The Portable Practice: Restorative Yoga on The Go

Would you like to be able to take your Restorative Yoga practice with you anywhere? Want to get all the benefits of Restorative Yoga, the relaxation and the healing serenity, without the need for bolsters, blocks and props? Or do you just want to feel like you've spent the afternoon on a sunny island beach? 


Regardless of your reason for showing up, this relaxing workshop will teach you how to do Restorative Yoga with minimal props. This is a restorative yoga practice you can do anywhere with just your favorite blanket and a pillow. You’ll be guided through a gentle, slow-moving sequence, the restorative postures will calm your mind, open your heart and relieve your stress, all while relaxing in perfect comfort. All you need is a pillow and blanket but please dress in layers.

Restorative Yoga for Winter


Every season has its governing energy. Winter is a yin season. We go inward in Winter, conserving our energy and our resources. The Restorative Yoga practice is not only practical, it’s necessary.

When we learn to follow the seasons, we create an environment for the body to thrive. The organs that are most dominant in Winter are the bladder and kidneys, as Winter is governed by the water element. When we learn to nourish these organs, we live in a body that is disease free.

Come enjoy this 2 ½  hour practice, go inward, go deep and go home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 

Playing with Chairs (An advanced yoga practice)

The connotation of chairs and yoga usually brings to mind a practice for people who are less mobile. This could not be further from the case in this workshop. We will use chairs to practice advanced postures that might otherwise elude us.

Backbends, arm balances, and deeper variations of some of our favorites that we can experience with the shtira (steadiness)  and boundary a chair provides.

The most fun part of this workshop is that you will access postures in a way you never thought were possible, you will move through your imagined limitations, and explore all the possibilities instead!

Please complete the form below to get more information about our workshops.